This paper introduces a new set of proprietary indexes: the World Order Composite (WOC) based on three components -- World Order Locals (WOL), World Order Nationals (WON) and the World Order House (WOH) at the international level. Index trends reflect positive (bullish) or negative (bearish) expectations for the local, national and international WOC indexes as illustrated by the price chart in Fig. 1.

One concept of a liberating "world order" includes notions of peace, justice, freedom, prosperity, wealth and the like as facilitators of human development (Fig. 1). In contrast, war, injustice, bondage, debt and poverty may be used by some factions to achieve power of a few over the many on a world-wide scale in an opposite path to an oppressive "world order". WOC price and trend might indicate the market's assessment, based on current and expected events, of which model of world order is most likely -- liberation or oppression. Since higher prices indicate developments deemed to be positive for the human race, the WOC might be seen as a sort of inverse misery index.
World Order was chosen to name the WO indexes, based on its use by two groups who in many respects represent opposite ends of the WO index price scale, as described in a previous Independent article [emphasis added]:
Most agree that it is the Baha'is through their founder who first phrased the over-arching objective as a "new world order". Likewise, most analysts agree that the super-wealthy oligarchy have been similarly working over many generations toward a world government which they would control, also called the "new world order". But here is where the proposed parallel ends, setting the stage for an epic drama.Thus, in simple terms, if events suggest some success by the good guys, WO indexes might rise. Conversely, progress by the bad guys may be indicated by lower WO index prices.
Over generations, the illuminist oligarchy and the leadership of the Baha'is, starting with the founding central figures, could hardly be more different in almost every way, such as wealth, values and beliefs, operating principles and methods utilized. It may even be appropriate to sum it up as the "bad guys" and "good guys".
The Baha'is coined the phrase "new world order" (NWO), which was reportedly used later by illuminist elites. To further define WO index names, the World Order Locals (WOL) index refers to local or municipal authorities, which roughly correspond to Local Spiritual Assemblies (LSA) in Baha'i administration. The World Order Nationals (WON) index may indicate secular governments of nation states or Baha'i National Spiritual Assemblies (NSA) at a similar level of organization.
At the international or highest level, the so-called illuminists have not yet established an effective world government. Instead, a variety of institutions have formed apparently intended to facilitate achievement of their reputed goal of an eventual world government which they control. The United Nations and several financial bodies such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF), the Bank for International Settlements and the World Bank might be listed in this motley collection of mostly failed efforts at internationalization. Such efforts have been quite corrupt, while pretending to foster lofty ideals -- the old "wolf dressed as a sheep" ploy. For example, self-respecting nations, if there are any, would not even allow IMF personnel into their territory, given their agenda of looting national resources on behalf of the IMF's super-wealthy controlling interests.
An interesting prototype at the other end of the WOC scale -- the Baha'i world community, established in 1963 its highest administrative body at the international level, known as the Universal House of Justice, a nine-member body periodically elected by NSA members. Hence, the international index is named the World Order House (WOH).
The foregoing background on the development of the WOC concept featured prototypes such as the illuminists (lower WOC prices) and the Baha'is (higher WOC prices). Once understood, however, the WOC indexes need not be restricted to particular secular or religious groups, since all people may generate events favoring expectations of one extreme or the other (e.g., war vs peace, freedom vs bondage, etc). This broad conceptualization of the WO indexes might attract the greatest number of market participants.
On the other hand, a platform (exchange) for trading WO indexes could limit their scope to a particular group, such as the Baha'is. In this case, trends in the component indexes -- WOL, WON and WOH -- might assist voters to assess the success or failure of elected bodies at the three levels of administration represented as perceived by the market. For example, a down-trend in one of the indexes might suggest that it is time to ponder voting for other persons to serve as members on the particular body or bodies. Conversely, an up-trend would suggest that current members are expected to continue to do a good job. In short, the WO indexes could provide voters with possibly useful feedback on administrative performance which might have direct consequences in subsequent elections.In conclusion, implementation of the WO indexes as tradable financial instruments might perform a useful social and economic function. Related topics include arbitrage opportunities, techniques to limit market manipulation and WOC financial instrument design to allow persons with limited funds to participate.
At first glance, an exchange for the WOC may seem to be a bit fanciful or not practical. However, parties with interest in developing an on-line trading platform for the WO indexes are invited to contact the author. The internet server hosting the trading platform would require an entity capable of creating accounts, accepting funds, updating and executing trade orders for these accounts and providing real-time, on-line quotes (bid and ask prices) for each index and the WOC, including various bells-and-whistles such as price charts, in a country with a legal system supporting such a project. The hosting entity would derive income similar to other exchanges of financial instruments from a small charge for each transaction (buy and sell).
© 2011 James J Keene
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