Thursday, August 5, 2021

Baha'i Themes Book Series

Baha'i Themes book series by James J Keene

Justice Book: Some Baha'i Teachings on Human Development
Justice Book presents the "big picture" of the world today with important Baha'i teachings on human development. The Baha'i writings may serve as a survival manual and an adventure story. 16 new tables and flow charts illustrate key points and processes in this "justice made simple" cook-book.

Saturday, July 17, 2021

Blog Readers Vote

Free Poll for the Baha'i Community: Having done nothing on this Independent Investigation of Truth blog for almost a decade, I thought it might be interesting to rank the articles by number of pageviews. The results might be interpreted as a poll of what topics interest Baha'is and others the most (compared to other articles in the list). I color-coded the top results as a sort of heat map.

The two "all-time favorites" shown in red appear to be in a class by themselves. The next ten (orange, yellow) might be dubbed "the top-ten". Close top-ten contenders have the green highlight.

The table below lists these articles by title and pageviews, thanks to the wonderful Google Analytics service.