The World Order Trader™ (WOTrader) platform was released today for beta testing. Interested persons may download WOTrader here. The free download is a .zip file. After unpacking, run WOTrader, which may provide an additional way to express perceptions on how well elected officials in the Baha'i administration are doing their job and to gain experience and improve skills in trading financial instruments without financial risk. The WOTrader About option in its Help menu provides the email address of the author if you need further help to start trading with WOTrader. Thanks to all who wish to help in testing this new trading platform and the new, on-line, international World Order Exchange™.
© 2011 James J Keene
Friday, December 23, 2011
Saturday, December 17, 2011
World Order Trader Preview
Independent recently introduced the concept of the World Order Composite Index, which inspired work to establish an on-line, international World Order Exchange™ (WOE). WOE is now open for beta testing. No funds are required to participate in testing, only an internet connection. The platform for on-line traders anywhere in the world is previewed with screen shots in Figs. 1 and 2. The free World Order Trader™ (WOT) platform may be downloaded here. WOT details and implementation plans are presented.
Fig 1: World Order Trader (left)

Saturday, November 26, 2011
Making Straight A's
Making straight A's is a do-it-yourself project for students from high school through college and into post-graduate programs. The proven method presented generally can raise grade point averages by about two points -- e.g., from D to B, from C to A and from B to best in class (arrows in Fig. 1).
Fig. 1: Class Grade Distribution

This article describes the method for making all A's, starting with motivational factors and simple learning principles, which suggested the successful 1964 prototype used by the author at the University of Chicago (me in Fig. 1) and finally, the more recent, stream-lined recipe for straight A's.

This article describes the method for making all A's, starting with motivational factors and simple learning principles, which suggested the successful 1964 prototype used by the author at the University of Chicago (me in Fig. 1) and finally, the more recent, stream-lined recipe for straight A's.
social development
Monday, November 7, 2011
Build a Central Bank in Your Kitchen
Do-it-yourself projects can save a lot of money. By this criterion, building your own central bank (CB) is the ultimate money saver, regardless of your skill set, with readily available ingredients in your own home. Key concepts of money presented previously in Independent articles are summarized, providing background and step-by-step instructions to build your own CB. Fig. 1 lists some CB attributes and indicates that CBs come in two types: evil and good.
Fig. 1: Central Bank Types

market manipulation,
social development
Friday, October 14, 2011
Bondage by Baha'i Election
Based on abundant statistics, many commentators have noted that voters in Baha'i elections tend to re-elect previously elected members of Baha'i administrative units at the local, national and international levels. The innocent persons elected are punished by a sort of bondage to the extent that they are constrained by the obligations of this circumstance. Instead of being rewarded for their good behaviors and character, the elected suffer a penalty which may result in a "life sentence" to do administrative work, which in almost all cases is not their first love, primary interest, career specialty or goal in their life work. The situation is so bad that the only escape for most victims of Baha'i voters is to insist on retirement due to old age or sickness, or just to drop dead after many decades, forcing voters to select another victim. This article explores some background and possible solutions for this injustice.
Baha'i elections,
social development
Monday, October 3, 2011
World Order Composite Index
[Update: Dec 28, 2011 The free World Order Trader™ may now be downloaded for practice trading without financial risk on the new international World Order Exchange™.]
This paper introduces a new set of proprietary indexes: the World Order Composite (WOC) based on three components -- World Order Locals (WOL), World Order Nationals (WON) and the World Order House (WOH) at the international level. Index trends reflect positive (bullish) or negative (bearish) expectations for the local, national and international WOC indexes as illustrated by the price chart in Fig. 1.
Fig. 1: World Order Composite Concept

The numeric value of the WOC indexes may be determined by buyers and sellers of an appropriate financial instrument such as WOC futures, a WOC fund or other free market auction format. Hence, the collective judgment of market makers and traders determines WOC price and whether it trends up or down in a particular time interval.
This paper introduces a new set of proprietary indexes: the World Order Composite (WOC) based on three components -- World Order Locals (WOL), World Order Nationals (WON) and the World Order House (WOH) at the international level. Index trends reflect positive (bullish) or negative (bearish) expectations for the local, national and international WOC indexes as illustrated by the price chart in Fig. 1.

free software,
free speech,
social development,
world order
Friday, September 30, 2011
Civil War U.S.A.
Recent developments suggest signs that the Second Civil War in the United States has already begun. In this follow-up of the last Independent article on "Story Updates", some of these signs and their consequences will be examined. These consequences will likely be international. Hence, these developments merit world-wide attention.
Unlike the first Civil War in the U.S. where northern states fought with southern states, the Second Civil War portends to pit the U.S. federal government against virtually all states in the "union". These signs may be reviewed in two parts: (1) fundamental disputes between the Feds and the States and (2) escalation of the ongoing armed conflict.
Unlike the first Civil War in the U.S. where northern states fought with southern states, the Second Civil War portends to pit the U.S. federal government against virtually all states in the "union". These signs may be reviewed in two parts: (1) fundamental disputes between the Feds and the States and (2) escalation of the ongoing armed conflict.
social development
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Elucidating Obscure Questions
The Constitution of the Universal House of Justice (UHJ) of the Baha'i world community states that functions of this nine-member, elected administrative body include:
to deliberate and decide upon all problems which have caused difference; to elucidate questions that are obscure; discussed in some detail in the Independent "Gaming the Baha'i Writings" article. The UHJ should focus on increasing the strength of the Baha'i world community which in part may be best achieved by refraining, as much as possible, from elucidating obscure questions.
Saturday, September 24, 2011
Something For Nothing
The last free lunch story considered the possibility of a further deep decline in gold and silver prices yesterday, on Friday, September 23, 2011. In a "truth is better than fiction" scenario, this price drop was seen in grand style, with gold price dropping by over 5 percent (Fig. 1) and silver prices falling by almost 15 percent (Fig. 2) in a single trading day. Life doesn't get much better than this as this market action continues to create a rare "something for nothing" buying opportunity.
Fig. 1: GLD daily price

Thursday, September 22, 2011
Last Free Lunch
Many know of the biblical story of the last supper, or if not, the famous painting of it. Today's story is the last free lunch. Mother's are usually right when they say things like "there is no free lunch" and "you can't get something for nothing". On rare occasions, however, one can find a free lunch and get something for nothing. Today is one of those times, when gold and silver are on sale. This means you can get something (gold and silver) for nothing (paper money).
The first Independent item in March, 2010, suggested purchase of gold and silver which are the only real money on earth. As of yesterday, gold had nearly doubled, and silver had more than doubled, in USD prices. Today, with the stock market sell-off, gold and silver prices in USD dropped significantly. That is, these two precious metals went on sale.
The first Independent item in March, 2010, suggested purchase of gold and silver which are the only real money on earth. As of yesterday, gold had nearly doubled, and silver had more than doubled, in USD prices. Today, with the stock market sell-off, gold and silver prices in USD dropped significantly. That is, these two precious metals went on sale.
Sunday, September 11, 2011
"Jane Doe" Movie Story
[Updated: Oct 24, 2011. This article responds to many inquiries about the exclusive "Jane Doe" story on Missing Keene Kids.]
Feature film makers may produce the following "Jane Doe" (working title) story -- a true, heart-throbbing, mystery thriller. Typically, several documents are created for a film production package. This article includes the story -- both a short summary and a more detailed description -- told chronologically, where some key names, photographs and details are omitted at this time, given the involvement of some of the most powerful elites in the United States. Second, a screen writer may tell the story in another document called the movie treatment, which is how the story may be presented theatrically, including various devices to show the events, which may be seen out of order (flash-backs), etc. In short, the treatment describes what will be seen and heard, leaving it to the audience to "discover" the story.

free speech,
Jane Doe,
social development
Saturday, July 30, 2011
Parties Agree on US Debt Ceiling: Don't Raise It
News media may be engaged in distorted reporting regarding the US debt ceiling. In fact, but not reported by the media, Democrats and Republicans appear to agree that the debt ceiling should not be raised. Why is this not reported as a clear fact? Instead, all we hear is words to the effect of "failure to compromise". Compromise on what? The two parties are obviously already in complete agreement -- to wit, the debt ceiling should not be raised. Further, the two opposing political parties are engaged in every conceivable effort to ensure that the debt ceiling will not be raised. All this "need to compromise" talk in media reporting may be just a diversion to hide this complete agreement from the public.
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