“Marginality and Apostasy in the Baha’i Community”, by Dr. Moojan Momen, in
Religion, may have been a sort of
psych-op to promote a need for increased freedom of speech and tolerance for intellectual diversity in the Baha'i community.
This thesis is approximately the 180 degree opposite of the
blunder theory which emerges from the quite extensive writings directly stimulated by the publication of Momen's paper. These writings have almost universally criticized Momen's paper, and by implication, Momen himself, from about every conceivable angle -- unscholarly, poorly researched, illogical, factual mistakes, misrepresentation of named persons, falsification of history, unfair, as if Momen was a foolish shill for authoritarian elements in the Baha'i Administration, intent on persecuting certain Baha'is. Instead,
the full and final true story might be that Moojan Momen is a hero for all Baha'is acting to promote individual freedom. How did I get here?